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Personality conflicts

Post 1


I recently started a new job, a new career really. I was very unhappy at work. I had been working for Safeway for 12 years. Nothing about my job gave me any joy. Some day's it was a struggle just to talk myself into going. I worked in the office, supervising at night. This of course means dealing with alot of customer complaints. I can't explain how hard it is to look someone in the eye and try to muster up genuine understanding and empathy for their dilema because the store is out of Skippy peanut butter. People struggle with day to day lives, they have wives who talk down to them, employers who scream about performance or attendance, children asking for money, traffic honking and raging making them angry. Then these people come into the stores where workers are required to put up with all the cruelty and rudeness. I have met the worst people working for the public. But let me add I have also met some truly wonderful people. Anyways the point is I needed out.
I found a new job. I'm a apprentice in a trade. I love my job, that is my job but not the people I have been working with. This has been a struggle for me. I am not well liked at all. This is new to me. I haven't had trouble making friends before. I seem to get along with people in the other trades but my own company, nobody. My current journeyman is nice but, have you ever met someone and it seemed like all their goodness was a internal struggle for them. Like in their heads they constantly need to remind themselves to be good. It is very creepy. This person knows alot of facts and spouts out information and think of himself and very intelligent. He is well learned, but opinionated. Something I have noticed about opinionated people is that they can be very judgemental. This makes me uncomfortable. I don't want to be constantly judged. Especially when I'm trying to learn from him. How am I going to learn if every mistake I make is judged againgst me. When I do make a mistake I would like him to point it out to me and explain why I did something wrong. To have him walk up to me and ask me Why did you do that? instantly put's me on the defensive and makes me feel bad about myself. Have you every spoken to someone and they take everything you say to them literally, and then use it to undermind you. For example, you ask them if they know what day it is? And they reply yes. Now they goddamn well know you are asking them what day it is but you didn't request the information formally in proper english so they are going to play this game with you. Well he does this always and it is so frustrating. I don't know what to do about this and I am know having anxiety dreams about work because I am so bothered by this. I don't know how to deal with it.

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Personality conflicts

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