This is the Message Centre for GreeboTrill

small is not bad.....

Post 1

ibchristine......missing in action........

small is a ......start.....smiley - smiley

i look forward to seeing your space and you ......grow....smiley - smiley

small is not bad.....

Post 2


But if I grow too much, I'll get stuck in the house! smiley - smiley

I see you are a new face around here too! Welcome to the guide. I hope to have way too much free time in the future so I can ramble on about lots of silly bits about Life, the Universe, and Everything.

Bah Weep Grana Weep Minibong.

Lesser Minion of Yagraff (the God of Cheese)

small is not bad.....

Post 3

ibchristine......missing in action........


*raises glass*....HERE! HERE!

smiley - smiley

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