This is the Message Centre for SparkleJessie

Busy Cornellians

Post 1


Though I don't know SparkleJessie personally, I would like to inform everyone that, since Cornell is currently in the heat of Prelim season, a time period which begins about twice a month and lasts for about 3 weeks, it is unlikely that I, she, or anyone else residing far above Cayuga's waters has time to post much right now.

Busy Cornellians

Post 2

Guinness Duck

Nice to see Cornell types and other people who haunt Ithaca around here. Not enough of us really. Found your info because you posted a bit on my entry on Stella's. Ahh, the wonders of h2g2. I'm planning on addidng several more entries in the next couple of weeks. Just been busy with the evils of work at the Vet School.

Hope that the evils of Cornell aren't keeping you down too much, and many good lucks.

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