This is the Message Centre for Brian of Bourne
Cynthia Started conversation Sep 7, 2000
If you'd like to add some of the h2g2 graphics to your page, please feel free to do so and I won't be offended if I don't see any here in the next few days.
We hope at some point in the future, to add a search mechanism to the Guide to enable researchers to select from the 500+ illustrations in the Guide, but we do understand that you may not be of the same frame of mind as us or that you may even have a different taste in images entirely.
To add an image into the introduction of your page you want to select the GuideML button in the 'Edit Page' area on 'Your Space' and put the Blob number (image number) and your message in with the following tags:
Your text message
Another text message
As you can't see the selection of images yet, I'll just let you know that for now, the number you put into the space which I've called 'image number', needs to start with a 'B' i.e. B533510
The benefit of using images which we have stored on our server, is that they have all been made to work on the white background of the new site design, as well as the first design done in blue.
Because it's going to take you a while to find any images you may like, I'll do you a special favour (just this once) and search for an image which may suit you, so give me a big list of possibilities and I'll see if we have anything close. It may or may not work. Let's see, we have Sandwhiches and plenty of foody images, lots of people, the odd penguin, lots of beer and sports images. We have the odd flower and may have a little furniture to make your space a little more comfy.
Hope the GuideML works
Brian of Bourne Posted Sep 8, 2000
Thanks for your visit and offer of help. I tried to get an image, but kept getting error messages [no closing quotes, illegal opening character etc. ect.] which I failed to resolve. Ok I am not sure what I am doing OR what 'MY SPACE' is really all about. I would like to think of it as 'MY ROOM' where others could visit and, having seen, either go away again or stay for a while, perhaps returning in the future.
THE ROOM? Well in real life it would be quite large with bare white or off white walls and a plain wooden floor. There would be an old 'comfy' [yes comfy] arm chair, a plain wooden table and plain wooden upright chair and a large window overlooking a lake. There would be a door for people to come in and another door leading to a storeroom containing all that I own neatly stored -a place for everything and everything in its place. I colud get what I needed and return it when I had finished with it thus returning 'MY ROOM' to its quiet state described above.
This would be so different to the right brain dominated, can not throw anything away clutter I actually live in.
I don't expect to find my ideal inside the Pentium inside, but ..
Anyway, if you have images/ideas to help, to say nothing of the time I would be grateful.
Cynthia Posted Sep 8, 2000
Hi Brian,
I wondered if by trying to help I'd only complicate matters I'll check out the text I sent you in case I've made any mistakes. How long have you been using the Guide for now? Just wondered as it can take a little time to get one's bearings. I like the description of your room by the way, we don't have much furniture like this, but it's good taste. If you had left something on the arm chair, what would it be?
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"The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy is a wholly remarkable book. It has been compiled and recompiled many times and under many different editorships. It contains contributions from countless numbers of travellers and researchers."