This is the Message Centre for Holy Zarquon xxxxii


Post 1

Holy Zarquon xxxxii

WOW,look at all this SPACE,Hmmm,funny that,have you ever noticed that STUFF expands to fill the space provided.I suppose thats what space is there for though,to be filled with STUFF.And this is definitely STUFF.I'm not sure whether this STUFF is worthy of the SPACE it occupies,or that the SPACE it does occupy is happy about being occupied by STUFF like this,but I didn't see a RESERVED FOR:sign,or two yellow lines,stating that STUFF can't be deposited here.
Also,has my STUFF just filled a SPACE that maybe was destined for better things,more colourful STUFF perhaps,and,if so,how will I know?
So my conclusion is that SPACE is a docile if not a comatose entity,or maybe it's just plain daft,to allow STUFF like this to appear on its otherwise plain facade.

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