This is the Message Centre for Garfield formerly known as Sandmaennchen


Post 1

Garfield formerly known as Sandmaennchen

 Well, I don't know what to put in here yet.

I'm German and live in the wonderful UK - the country that has bought humour.

I do not have a sense of humour - so don't try and get funny with me.


Post 2


What do you mean you live in the UK? Are you here on holiday or have you got a job? As you perhaps could guess form my name I lived in East Germany too, but was lucky that it was reunited when I was 10 years old. Coincedently I live in the UK too at least for the moment( I'm here on an student exchange for a year). I found it very true what you wrote about the entry about Germany, but I'm sorry because I think I have a sense of humour!


Post 3

Garfield formerly known as Sandmaennchen

Ich bin schon seit 4 1/2 Jahren hier im wunderschoenen England...Ich habe auch Sinn fuer Humour, die Englaender glauben
immer, sie schmeicheln mir unheimlich mit "Oh, you're German and you have a sense of humour", als haette ich es
hier in England gelernt....
Ja, ich bin aus Leipzsch...und ich vermisse es manchmal ganz schoen....Du kannst mir auch persoenlich ne Email schicken.
Jeder zweite Buchstabe ist korrekt (ich will nicht, dass die halbe Welt meine Email lesen kann).

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