This is the Message Centre for The minstrel boy

u know me too well.

Post 1

simply scruff singing a rainbow

hmmmm and do u ever sit down to your computer and read something and get the feeling that somebody has just read your mind. i sense u r a dreamer.......or maybe i'm just wishing u r since that's how i am and u seem kinda, well, i dunno, me-ish.

u know me too well.

Post 2

The minstrel boy

I am a writer by intrest and a computer systems adminstrator by profession . .. .

Any way you slice it I smack of GEEK!

how about you?

u know me too well.

Post 3

simply scruff singing a rainbow

i am a professional dreamer, part time writer i.e when i can be bothered and a full time computer junkie. hmmmmmmm geek, yes, i think so. i mean me!

u know me too well.

Post 4


~grin~... Me often dreams of doughnuts... and me is on the computer a lot... and me does tend to write... ~bigger grin~... Do you want to read a poem me just made???

Oh Paul, you are so orange
Though tis indeed a good colour to be
Me to am that wonderful colour
A cheery sight for the whole world to see...

Ode to Paul, GTC... 2000

u know me too well.

Post 5

simply scruff singing a rainbow

interesting........ and how long has this behaviour been going on? lol. smiley - smiley

u know me too well.

Post 6


About 3 years... ~grin~

u know me too well.

Post 7

The minstrel boy

Cat Persona, you like poe-poe-poetry ... read my journal entry "On death, hell and John Cleese" ...



u know me too well.

Post 8


Er... me not got one of those Persona thingies... me just a plain simple cat... me thinks...

u know me too well.

Post 9

The minstrel boy

I've got 5 cats I just hope one of them isn't sneaking down here an posting stuff .... bad pussy, bad pussy, .... is there really such a thing?

u know me too well.

Post 10

The minstrel boy

aaaah the smell of GEEK in the morning ... smells like ??? ...

u know me too well.

Post 11

simply scruff singing a rainbow

glasses with the arms taped on................heh. hey! where'd that cat come from. hey guys i don't want your cats dammit!!! nowt against cats of course *ahem*

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