This is the Message Centre for The minstrel boy

who am i?

Post 1


I think i know what you mean - you kind of wake up one day and realise that you're a s**t-load older than you thought you were the day before - and you haven't quite achieved what you thought you would have by this stage....
but then the next day you wake up and your the master of your own universe - the star in your own little movie of life and all is well again. You realise that everything happens for a reason and whatever - or whoever you've turned out to be (or are in the process of becoming) is precisely who you were meant to be, even if you never knew......thats half the fun

who am i?

Post 2

The minstrel boy

Well I think that I am at the first part of your argument . . . . and the only think that I can think of is to quote marvin ...

"Life. Don't talk to me about life ..."

Maybee one day I'll wake up and find that I am who I am supposed to be until then I guess I live with the lie that I am who I am and that is all that I am (popeye is also a great life philoshoper).

smiley - smiley

who am i?

Post 3

simply scruff singing a rainbow

the worst thing u could do is be who u're supposed to be coz normally who u're supposed to be as completley dofferent to who u want to be. that is as long as..............ouch.

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