This is the Message Centre for MyBrainHurts (Muse of bows and strings, principal viola of the h2g2 orchestra)

My space intro

Post 1

MyBrainHurts (Muse of bows and strings, principal viola of the h2g2 orchestra)

I am not there yet. Obviously. Tried to do 'Edit Page' on my personal page. Didn't change a bit. I posted 'Me, myself and I' to some really unknown part of the Guide, I guess. Just as well. But, how the ... do I update my space?

My space intro

Post 2


Hi there mybrainhurts (incidentaly so does mine - there is so much to take in here!!)
Try clicking on the bit under 'guide entries' where it says 'me, myself, i', that should take you to where you want to go I think... I dont really know though as I am only new.
if it doesn't work, go to one of the ACE's pages (check the 'who's online' box and click on on that has ACE after their name) and ask them, they're really helpful and know everything....

My space intro

Post 3

MyBrainHurts (Muse of bows and strings, principal viola of the h2g2 orchestra)

Thanks. I found out, as you can see. Luckily, the first steps into GuideML are pretty close to the first steps into HTML, which I know a little about. The space still needs some work.

Anybody knows more string instrument players around here? Send them to the h2g2 orchestra space.

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