A Conversation for The Chocolate Lover's Fan Club

My Favorite Chocolate

Post 1

Viscouter the Infininitly Prolonged

My favorite chocolate is GALAXY chocolate, especially the GALAXY CARAMEL chocolate. smiley - choc

Post your favorite chocolate!

My Favorite Chocolate

Post 2

Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor

ferrero rochersmiley - choc

My Favorite Chocolate

Post 3

Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor

...but Galaxy Caramel is pretty darn close to Heaven on Earth.

~wonders where all the other members are!~

My Favorite Chocolate

Post 4


My favourite is Guylian.
Mmmmm.... smiley - run*off to find some smiley - choc*

My Favorite Chocolate

Post 5

Researcher 159112

smiley - erm I rather like Chocolate Buttons at the moment

My Favorite Chocolate

Post 6

Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor

Have you tried that new Aero, with the white centre?
smiley - tongueout
And I have also spotted a white chocolate Terry's smiley - chocOrange.
smiley - wow

Which I have put on my list forsmiley - santa
smiley - winkeye

My Favorite Chocolate

Post 7


I haven't even seen it. My favourite for this years smiley - santa is Mozart's Heart.

smiley - chocsmiley - cheerup

My Favorite Chocolate

Post 8


Have you tried Lindt Stracciatella? It's white chocolate with chocolate chips mmmmmmmmm

My Favorite Chocolate

Post 9

Researcher 159112


My Favorite Chocolate

Post 10


Glad to know my socks are in safe hands.

My Favorite Chocolate

Post 11

Mistdancer-X-sporadically coherent

Not with me around, they're not smiley - winkeye

smiley - elf
Misty, Queen of the Sock Eating Elves

My Favorite Chocolate

Post 12


mmmmmmmm........chocolatey goodness.....

favourite choccy???.....so many to choose from!!!!!!!!!

Um...what about macadamia royals?...mmm...i agree with the terry's chocolate oranges...mmm...and ferrerro rochers...mmmm....

darn...now i have to go and buy some choccy

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