A Conversation for The Chocolate Lover's Fan Club


Post 1

Saint Acolyte Hezher - P. S. of Chocoholics, Keeper of Chocolate, muse of death by chocolate, Seraph of death by chocolate


Glad to be back on my favourite club on my favourite websit! smiley - choc


Post 2

Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor

smiley - hug
smiley - choc
Hi Hezher!
You're not kidding...even if some of the old conversations have disappeared, we will just have to start some new ones!
We have lost our badge smiley - sadface but at least I found a nice pic to put on the front page...smiley - smiley
smiley - chocsmiley - chocsmiley - chocsmiley - chocsmiley - chocsmiley - chocsmiley - choc
Oh, I missed that smiley & all my friends!!!!
smiley - hugsmiley - hugsmiley - hug
smiley - chocsmiley - kiss
smiley - biggrin


Post 3

Saint Acolyte Hezher - P. S. of Chocoholics, Keeper of Chocolate, muse of death by chocolate, Seraph of death by chocolate

smiley - chocsmiley - hugsmiley - choc

I've noticed more of our old conversations are being put up evry day though! And I like the picture smiley - bigeyes


Post 4

Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor

They are?
smiley - cool
Yes, I was pleased with it.
Wasn't too keen on the Guide's idea ofsmiley - choc
Looked like slabs of butter to me!
Hopefully some of the other members will turn up soon.
Until then, what do you say to gorging ourselves onsmiley - choc???
~starts to stuffsmiley - choc~
smiley - biggrin


Post 5

Saint Acolyte Hezher - P. S. of Chocoholics, Keeper of Chocolate, muse of death by chocolate, Seraph of death by chocolate

Show me the smiley - choc and I will eat!

*starts shovelling it into her mouth* YUM!


Post 6

Researcher 159112

I was looking down the list of conversations, and this one said "last posting 42 minutes ago" so I thought I'd come and say hi smiley - smileysmiley - choc


Post 7


Hello Im Just Here To say HI And Let You Know That I Hope To Be Spending More Time Gorging Myself On smiley - choc Here At the Club Than I Did Previous To The Problem


Post 8

Saint Acolyte Hezher - P. S. of Chocoholics, Keeper of Chocolate, muse of death by chocolate, Seraph of death by chocolate

HEY! *manages to stop gorging smiley - choc long enough to hand some around*


Post 9

Researcher 159112

thanks smiley - smiley

*takes some smiley - choc + eats*

mmmmm, that's gorgeous!


Post 10

Saint Acolyte Hezher - P. S. of Chocoholics, Keeper of Chocolate, muse of death by chocolate, Seraph of death by chocolate

yummy yummy!

so heres a question, whats better than chocolate?

answer: chocolate you dont have to pay for!


Post 11

Researcher 159112

a never ending supply of chocolate you don't have to pay for, but your worst enemy does?


Post 12


And you get tanked for eating


Post 13

Researcher 159112

Maybe your worst enemy pays you for eating it as well as paying for it in the first place


Post 14

Saint Acolyte Hezher - P. S. of Chocoholics, Keeper of Chocolate, muse of death by chocolate, Seraph of death by chocolate

yup,. thats even better


Post 15

Researcher 159112

there must be something even better than all that. what can I add to it?


Post 16


Yes there is but I'm keeping it a secret HahahahaHa HA HA (diabolical lafter)


Post 17

Researcher 159112

errrr, good for you?


Post 18

Saint Acolyte Hezher - P. S. of Chocoholics, Keeper of Chocolate, muse of death by chocolate, Seraph of death by chocolate



Post 19

Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor

If I could find a non-fatteningsmiley - chocwhich tastes like Galaxysmiley - chocthen I'd be in Heavensmiley - bigeyes
smiley - erm
Well, I'd be over the Moonsmiley - rocketsmiley - star
smiley - biggrin


Post 20

Saint Acolyte Hezher - P. S. of Chocoholics, Keeper of Chocolate, muse of death by chocolate, Seraph of death by chocolate

Yeh, let me know when you find it! Although appparently chocolate is only fattening if you eat too much fat ne way...

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