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Good Times...

Post 1


On Sunday around the world people gathered for the old ritual of a Burns Supper and among them was me and a group of my oldest friends at an event hosted by Craig (originally from North of the Border). Haggis, Neeps and Tatties was eaten, fine malt whisky drunk, toasts made and poetry read (Craig doing a particularly fine version of "Tam O'Shanter" although I fear my rendering of "The Wounded Hare" was not quite up to the same standard) then the conversation drifted off to the deeds from times of old when the waists of all our trousers was two sizes smaller - the nights that went into mornings, the afters parties where we insulted the stars, the women, the drink, the debauchery, the friends that came and went and about how we were the ultimate party animals and so on. Eventually we left the Dining room and retired up to the TV room to watch some classic Billy Connolly and we the ultimate party animals promptly all fell asleep in front of the TV smiley - erm


A photo of me with a special haggis tool is available @

Good Times...

Post 2


You lucky git!smiley - cool

By Jove! I wondered what happened to my letter opener!smiley - laugh

Fairplay to ya Happy! Sounds like a great a great excuse for a p-smiley - ermsmiley - smileyget together with old friends.smiley - oksmiley - cheers

Good Times...

Post 3


smiley - rofl
smiley - space
smiley - cheers

Good Times...

Post 4

loonycat - run out of fizz

A great evening smiley - ok

And we won't even mention the humungous tool... smiley - whistle

Good Times...

Post 5


Oh Hi LC. was it Burns Night for you aswell ? smiley - smiley hey-i never see you in the photo-but sounds like it was a great evening-its only once a year-so: might as well make the most of it, i spose.smiley - smiley

smiley - laugh

smiley - sillysmiley - laughsmiley - oksmiley - cool

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