A Conversation for Abi's Top Secret Test Site


Post 41

Scandal (See Pres for details)

Finally. Trying to get you people to talk is much easier when I'm not being me. Anyway, rumours have been brought to my attention (feel free to add more at any stage) that our beloved President has been behaving rather dubiously and abusing his position of power. After an anonymous tip off we aim to bring the wrong doers to justice, rid the president of his power by way of impeachment and then volunteer our services as replacement candidates until further suitable applicants with clean records apply.


Post 42


oooooh what has he been up to?


Post 43

Scandal (See Pres for details)

Lets just say it's rather reminiscent of certain famed scandals. If you'd like we could swop information?
*offers over some chocolate*


Post 44


Just passing by.....

smiley - whistle

A613162 (not abi's tho')

Now where did that come from

p.s. Abi, how many of these test sites have you got? I'm up to three now.... (yes, I AM bored!)


Post 45


I have an infinite amount, my friend! smiley - winkeye


Post 46


Well, i guess that gives me something to while away the hours until they find me something to do at work!

Three weeks to write an FTP wrapper in C-Shell, I ask you! I wish it was me being paid for it and not the company!

Aaaaaaaaaaaaargh!!! *splat*

Post 47

Dr E Vibenstein (You know it is, it really is.)

*falls through trapdoor in ceiling and lands in an undignified heap*
Ouch! smiley - bruised
*the heap gets up and scurries off, leaving EV to look around in wonder*

What's all this then? I was innocently searching for an entry on Top Of The Pops that I could link to from my forever-in-progress Milli Vanilli entry, and suddenly I find myself here! Top secret? This is barely even middle secret!

Any more tea in that pot Abi? smiley - smiley

Aaaaaaaaaaaaargh!!! *splat*

Post 48


smiley - tea for all.

How is the Milli Vanilli magnus opus going EV?

Aaaaaaaaaaaaargh!!! *splat*

Post 49

Dr E Vibenstein (You know it is, it really is.)

The middle bit is fine! It's the start and end that are causing problems. Still, these things take mime. Er, I mean time. smiley - winkeye

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