This is the Message Centre for h2g2 Musicians Guild

new music-related entry

Post 1


Dear fellow Guild-members,

I have written (a first draft of) an entry on the much overlooked, but nevertheles important guitarist Steve Hillage.
This entry can be found at I posted a request for review to the Writer's Workshop before putting it up for Peer Review, but remarks, tips, or any other feedback from fellow musicians would be most welcome.
Thank you.
smiley - doctor

new music-related entry

Post 2

h2g2 Musicians Guild

I've added your entry to the Guild's directory. I will probably feature the entry on the Guild's main page at some later date, but it is a bit overloaded as it is right now and I just added several new links yesterday.

Though I don't have any personal knowledge of the guitarist, your entry nevertheless felt wildly comprehensive and quite well-written. It could perhaps be organized a bit better by using headers to denote different sections of the article. Other than, that I don't have much to add.

Thanks for letting us know about it. smiley - smiley


new music-related entry

Post 3


Thank you for the advice. smiley - smiley
I've been getting lots of advice from the Writer's Workshop too, and am re-writing constantly. smiley - smiley
And if all this means that at least one person has gotten to know Steve Hillage, it's already a first step in getting the man the recognition he deserves. smiley - doctor

new music-related entry

Post 4


I'm very sorry, but I should have said from the beginning there were TWO new music-related entries. smiley - blush
The second entry ( is about System 7, but in fact it only refers to the Steve Hillage entry, because the System 7 history is part of Steve Hillage's. Sorry for your trouble.
It would be possible to split the Hillage entry in two parts, but, imho, it wouuld make everything more confusing, and more importantly, the "missing link"-point wouldn't make sense anymore. smiley - smiley
smiley - doctor

new music-related entry

Post 5


Steve Hillage -

I added some links to existing music-related h2g2-entries (the hard work of the Musicians' Guild must not be ignored). smiley - smiley

If I overlooked any entries that should be linked to, please let me know. smiley - doctor

new music-related entry

Post 6

Fragilis - h2g2 Cured My Tabular Obsession

I'm afraid I must refrain from adding the System 7 entry to the Guild's directory, since it basically links back to your other article.

Thanks for adding all the lovely links to other Guild articles. I appreciate it. smiley - smiley


new music-related entry

Post 7


NexusSeven (Writing Workshop) advised me to check if all the links were to edited entries, and I had to remove the link to "rock music" (which is a pity). smiley - sadface
Did you know it wasn't edited yet?

In the meantime, the entry has been posted to the Peer Review page. smiley - smiley
smiley - doctor

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