This is the Message Centre for Father Ted

Are you really a priest???

Post 1

Jessi Q

If so do you run an Alpha course at your church and what are your views on it?
Speak to you soonsmiley - smileyJessi

Are you really a priest???

Post 2

Father Ted

Dear Jessi,

Yes, I really am a priest. Ordained deacon in 1980 and priest in 1981. I'm married to one as well.

I'm fairly new in my Team of getting on for a dozen parish. A couple of Alpha courses were run before my arrival, which on the whole had a beneficial effect and drew a number of people to the Faith. Myself, I come from a gently liberal catholic Anglican stable. I find Alpha difficult, because it doesn't seem to allow for a diversity of personality, life-experience and our God-given uniqueness. I prefer to use evangelistic methods that are very gentle, meet people where they are, and lead them on. FRIENDSHIP evangelism, I've found, is important. So is understanding that God is so BIG there are no questions which can't be asked - he can take it! Do let me know how you feel about this! Fr. Ted.

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Are you really a priest???

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