This is the Message Centre for neopropene-junky

I'm back

Post 1


at uni again and now here at the guide. Gee it's still all a mess of forms and poo, which has been prolonged by a stupid thing that I can't begin to understand.

I'm sure it's dave's fault. I've not been getting enough sleep recently, and that seems like dave's fault as well.

Mental note to myself... get some spleep.

I'm back

Post 2


yes and yr eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeevil u chemist u i wanted to get not rejected first hmph but im in there too A43282 or somefink like that have fun at birthdays c u soon hugs from a physicist

I'm back

Post 3


y is it dave's fault? have u no mind of yr own u weak willed chemist u?

I'm back

Post 4


Most things appear to be dave's fault when you get to the route of them...

I'm back

Post 5


he sez everything's yr fault. and that's "root".

I'm back

Post 6


He would say that wouldn't he... he's unlikely to bow down and except the full responsibility of his crimes.

I'm back

Post 7


but it wuz me broke the cupboard. and ate the pretzels. and suffocated u. well mebbe the last part.

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