This is the Message Centre for Spaceman Spiff

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Post 1

Spaceboy Zoom

Hey there Spaceman Spiff...
Since we have similar names I thought I'd pass by and say hello...

er... hello

-spaceboy zoom

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Post 2

Spaceman Spiff

zounds. somebody noticed. ah, hello by the way.
-spaceman spiff

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Post 3

Spaceboy Zoom

well, us spacefolk have to stick together, you know...

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Post 4

Spaceman Spiff


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Post 5


Hey turkeylips what's the deal? You say Hi to Spaceboy Zoom, but don't say Hello to me? Well smiley - tongueout on you, if I could make this smiley stick his thumbs in his ears and wiggle his fingers, I'd do that too. Just kidding! smiley - winkeye

Are you finding your way around okay? Run into any interesting articles or forums yet? If you'd like some suggestions or directions to any in particular, I'm more than happy to help out. Have a good one!
~§~ smiley - smiley

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Post 6

Spaceboy Zoom

I guess I'm just more likeable smiley - winkeye
(just kidding... I'm very unlikable, just ask all my friends... doh!)

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Post 7


True. I don't even know you and I don't like you. smiley - winkeye J/K! So how's by you Spaceboy?
~§~ smiley - smiley

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Post 8

Spaceboy Zoom

eh, cosi cosi, and you?

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Post 9

Spaceman Spiff

Jeez a minor infraction of manners and I seemed to have wrecked countless lives. Or at least one. Oh and as for which one is more likeable, well, I'll let you two fight it out.

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Post 10


What's cosi mean and which language is it?
~§~ smiley - smiley

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Post 11


Oh and I'm doing good, can't complain, life's fair at the moment.
~§~ smiley - smiley

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Post 12

Spaceboy Zoom

Ah. "cosi cosi" is an italian phrase, that roughly translates to "not so bad, could be better, eh, so-so"

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Post 13


Ahhh...I see. Why only so-so? Life could be worse. You could be a midget cross-dressing himalayan sheep-herder with an allergy to wool.
~§~ smiley - smiley

(No offense intended towards midget cross-dressing himalayan sheep-herders of course.)

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Post 14

Spaceboy Zoom

Hey my mother was a ... oh. no offense taken

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