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Mess on desks
wingpig Started conversation Jun 6, 1999
Good. There is crap all over the desk in shot, proving that you're too busy to be organized. WHat's better is that some of the crap is bits of paper, proving that not even people who make their living from computers trust them entirely. hah. How about having a page showing the h2g2 offices on camera? That way the people that complain can see how hard you're all working. You could all make faces at the camera if you feel you're unappreciated, too.
Mess on desks
Peta Posted Jun 15, 1999
There are some on the pages. Needs a womans touch thats what I say. Whilst we are washing the football kits Ginger and I will come and tidy. We know our place. Vote who wants it.
A place for everything ....
Sean Posted Jun 24, 1999
No thanks. I know where everything is when it's on my desk.
As long as you've got a half-decent memory, and no-one walks off with something without letting you know, it's pretty easy to find stuff as it'll always be near other things that were on top at the time you put it down. Much like geological strata.
I prove this time and time again by replying "Yes. Here." when people come into the office asking "Have you got a .... ?"
And as webcams would probably put an end to coding in the nude, we'll have to pass on that one too.
A place for everything ....
Peta Posted Jun 24, 1999
All the influence of Terry Jones. Nude coding what an awful thought. Wouldn't a webcam at work be totally totally invasive. If there was a shot every 30 seconds it would be bound to catch every shot where you are scratching your bum or adjusting your bra strap or whatever.
A place for everything ....
Spartus Posted Jun 25, 1999
Eek. Sounds like I came on the right day.
Not that I wouldn't have loved meeting you all in the nude, you're all lovely people and all, it just would have been a surprise. Would've made taking pictures difficult, though.
A place for everything ....
Peta Posted Jun 25, 1999
It's an English tradition Spartus. Everyone works nude during Wimbledon fortnight. Oh, darn you just missed it.
A place for everything ....
Bruce Posted Sep 16, 1999
I've always warned you, Peta, that you will live to regret some of the things you post & it looks like October 11th, 1999 will be the day you start regreting this one.
A place for everything ....
Peta Posted Sep 16, 1999
Is it that I have to tidy up at TDV, that I scratch my bum or that I have to go nude during Wimbledon fortnight, Bruce? Thanks for bringing it up. Lots.
A place for everything ....
Bruce Posted Sep 16, 1999
My pleasure, I'm sure.
The link line in the left frame should provide a clue about which post I was referring to.
Roll on Wimbledon & h2g2 CommEd webcam!
A place for everything ....
downunder Posted Sep 16, 1999
Peta ... remember your offer when I was in UK last year .. I think I'll take it up ... I'd really love to stay at your place next year when I am there ... no worries that it is Wimbledon fortnight I hope
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Mess on desks
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