A Conversation for Air (French Band)

A420625 Air (French Band)

Post 1

Magic Mushroom

I have just completed the second draft of this article about (imnsho) one of the best bands ever, and believe it would fit in well with the other musical bands already in the guide.
Do me a favour and let me know what you think =]

A420625 Air (French Band)

Post 2

Magic Mushroom

Forgot the link, here it is: http://www.h2g2.com/A420625

A420625 Air (French Band)

Post 3


Not a bad Entry, but all the pictures will be stripped out if it becomes an Edited Entry. You also forgot to mention that their music can be heard in almost any television broadcast, from any channel, it is virtually ubiquetous smiley - smiley This is a personal opinion, but I do not like the short question and one line answer format, and would try to make fewer questions, but more indepth, however as I said this is a personal opinion, well, until later......
BCNU - Crescent

A420625 Air (French Band)

Post 4


I've just had a good read through as well. I liked this entry, but I agree with Crescent. If you take the information that you have, and write it up as a biography, with a discography at the end, I think it would be more suitable for the edited guide.

If it got into the edited guide, I'm sure the artists would be able to knock up a suitable picture, but as Crescent said, the pics you've got would be stripped (cos they take up room, and there *may* be some copyright thing as well).

Hope this has been useful and constructive! smiley - smiley

Best wishes,

- Adam

A420625 Air (French Band)

Post 5

Magic Mushroom

Thanks for the replies, I'll start changing it.

A420625 Air (French Band)

Post 6

Martin Harper

Your publishing this material on h2g2 is in breach of the GNU copyleft licensing agreement. I suggest you return to the Air FAQ and reread the copyright notice in its entirey - you are breaching a number of terms.

The GNU copyleft agreement is fundamentally incompatible with the copyright which you MUST grant h2g2 upon placing things on this site. You must grant effectively TOTAL freedom to h2g2 to reproduce in ANY form - the GNU licence does not allow you to grant that freedom.

I will be informing h2g2 appropriately, and they will take whatever action they deem fit - probably removing the material temporarily from h2g2.


Which is a shame, cos this is good stuff. However, we must respect other people' copyright, and there are many who believe that GNU copyright is worthy of more respect than the normal. Do keep writing - and don't let this rather technical legal hitch stop you.

A420625 Air (French Band)

Post 7


As far as I can see you haven't actually written any of this material yourself, but taken it off another website. You say in the article that the FAQ copying is permitted, which is highly debatable, but copying the pictures certainly won't be acceptable (and cannot stay in the article if it's edited anyway).

I suggest you cut out most of this article - most of the discography info can be found on their site, so why not just summarise it - and write about their style of music, and what you think about them.

Remember, h2g2 is about creativity.

A420625 Air (French Band)

Post 8

h2g2 auto-messages

This thread has been sin-binned because large portions of the entry have been copied without permission (publishing GNU content on h2g2 is not legal).

The entry has also been cancelled.

Thread Moved

Post 9

h2g2 auto-messages

Editorial Note: This conversation has been moved from 'Peer Review Sin Bin' to 'Air (French Band)'.

Back to Entry - article has been deleted.

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