This is the Message Centre for Magic Mushroom

Another one??

Post 1

Kheldar (Don't hate the media, Become the media)

Hello there smiley - smiley. So good to see another 'civilized' person between all these people not from the Netherlands smiley - winkeye
I'm Kheldar, from Alphen a/d Rijn. I hope you're enjoying yourself over here so far. I know I am smiley - smiley
btw, now that I'm here, I would like to invite you to the Dutch meet we are organizing in September. I think you already heard about it from Alicat, but here is the official invitation. is the page to sign up, or just say that you may, or may not be there. Hope you can make it smiley - smiley

Nice to meet you, Kheldar

Another one??

Post 2

Magic Mushroom

Thanks for the invitation =]

Another one??

Post 3

Kheldar (Don't hate the media, Become the media)

LOL!! Talkative researcher, hey? Do I sense the typical Dutch way of answering here? Just answer the question, no extra nonsense. I even see myself doing that a lot smiley - smiley. How are you enjoying yourself in here so far?

Another one??

Post 4


Hi from me also!
There... that was short and to the point!
shazzPRME smiley - winkeye

Another one??

Post 5

Arutha( patron saint of personal magnetism )

Welcome to this nice establishment, All the people you've heard so far are all from Alphen a/d Rijn including me.

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Post 6

Kheldar (Don't hate the media, Become the media)

I forgot to mention the fact that Dutch researchers (especially the ones from Alphen) are among the craziest people you'll find around here smiley - winkeye

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Post 7


... and the English ones who live there aren't much better!
shazzPRME smiley - winkeye

Another one??

Post 8

Arutha( patron saint of personal magnetism )

Thanks, that's just what I needed. Wheeeeeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

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Post 9

Kheldar (Don't hate the media, Become the media)

My point exactly... smiley - winkeye

Another one??

Post 10

Arutha( patron saint of personal magnetism )

Still wandering what point that is, anyway it must be a very pointy point, caus it sure hurts

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Post 11

Kheldar (Don't hate the media, Become the media)

Well, if it hurts, then it must be...
No, never mind smiley - winkeye

Another one??

Post 12

Arutha( patron saint of personal magnetism )

what would that be.

You have an annoying way of starting something and never finshing it.

Another one??

Post 13

Magic Mushroom

ShazzPRMEsmiley - smiley, Arutha, thanks for the greets =] \\ Kheldar: enjoying it a lot here so far, there are tons of humourous posts to read here!

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Post 14

Kheldar (Don't hate the media, Become the media)

And we haven't even told you about the serious postings yet. Some of them could really knock you off your feet smiley - winkeye

Another one??

Post 15


Indeederdaad! smiley - smiley
shazzPRME smiley - winkeye

Another one??

Post 16

Kheldar (Don't hate the media, Become the media)

OK, here's for all the people that can't make it to het Kasteel on Friday, and just want to come to Amsterdam. We're meeting up in the Irish pub on het Leidseplein in Amsterdam. The time will be...let's say somewhere between 12.30 and 13.00. If the pub is still closed at that time, we will meet in cafe Reijnders, also on het Leidseplein.
Hope to see you then smiley - smiley

Another one??

Post 17

Arutha( patron saint of personal magnetism )

I'm afraid it didn't help that much.

Another one??

Post 18

Kheldar (Don't hate the media, Become the media)

I agree. It's a shame. Better luck next year...

Another one??

Post 19

Arutha( patron saint of personal magnetism )

As you said we need to start earlier for next years meet. BUt alll and all it wasn't that bad a meet, I had a great time as a bodyguard, didn't you?????

Another one??

Post 20

Kheldar (Don't hate the media, Become the media)

As some other forums already stated, doesn't the words 'meat', 'throbbing' and '12-inch' come up again and again smiley - winkeye?

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