A Conversation for The H2IQ Quiz - Be The First Among Equals

Thursday 04th January 2001

Post 21

Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor

smiley - erm
What was a secret?
Behave like ansmiley - angel?
I have my momentssmiley - winkeye

Thursday 04th January 2001

Post 22


"click on "click here..."" smiley - winkeye

You *are* an smiley - angel

(He he... I was very close to write in my last post... smiley - tongueout)

Thursday 04th January 2001

Post 23

Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor

oh, I see!
shall I go tell Livzy to unsubscribe?smiley - biggrin
I have mistyped more smileys than I care to remember, Ottox.
What I hate doing most is mistyping a link, especially to a newcomersmiley - sadface
Have you greeted any newcomers yet, in your capacity as GA?
http://www.h2g2.com/newuserssmiley - flyhi

Thursday 04th January 2001

Post 24


The sixth word?
smiley - fish

Thursday 04th January 2001

Post 25


R - that would work in Danish (meaning dangle or jangle! Or a rattle.)
smiley - smiley

Thursday 04th January 2001

Post 26

dElaphant (and Zeppo his dog (and Gummo, Zeppos dog)) - Left my apostrophes at the BBC

Mistyping smilies? Has anyone been tempted to type yet?

/* Raises hand */

Now what are six new words without definitions and sample sentences?

Banhorn - a horn-like device that silences other sounds. All was quite when Greebo blew the banhorn.
Jeglip - (slang) the act of sounding witty and erudite by saying nonsense. EV, don't give me no jeglip!
Torgby - (also tourgby) a form of rugby using tourists instead of a ball. After visiting the Louvre, Watley broke his nose in a torgby tournament.
Deetros - (from German) the peculiar color of the skin after an allergic reaction to insect repellent. He painted his walls a lovely shade of deetros.
Mossfrump - a prudish woman who has turned green from inactivity. The mossfrump always rests on the north side of house.

smiley - dog

Thursday 04th January 2001

Post 27


Greebo, when you read this, please give d'Elaphant a point for making me laugh lots. smiley - smiley
smiley - fish

Thursday 04th January 2001

Post 28

Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor

That goes for me, too!
smiley - biggrin

Thursday 04th January 2001

Post 29

Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor

would "Beetros" be the colour of cheeks, after a huge drinking session?
Oh, I will be making up words for the rest of the week nowsmiley - winkeye

Thursday 04th January 2001

Post 30


Ok so after 3 weeks of trying to get this computer to work i give up and dumped the lot have wiped the hard drive goodbye to all my e-mails and address books goodbye to all my internet sites now i have to spend hours trying to get my accounts back then even more time replying to people so as this is my first chance to say this merry christmas and a happy new year(ok so its late i tryed to use the tardis so i could go back to before christmas an say it but when i got there the computer didn't work)
P.S. if any one as my e-mail address send me a e-mail so i can get yours back.

Thursday 04th January 2001

Post 31


d'Elaphant has obviously ben reading "the Deeper Meaning of Liff" (and if not, he certainly should).

smiley - smiley

Thursday 04th January 2001

Post 32


*Livzy looks on delightedly that his inane b*****ks has created a whole new sub-section to the origional game and is really pleased he finally stumbled across the forum*

(OK then - give d'Elephant a point BUT I reckon I should get a couple for starting him off?!)

Thursday 04th January 2001

Post 33

Crystal Butterfly

oh poor TIMELORD, my sympathies hon.smiley - sadface

Thursday 04th January 2001

Post 34


Well done HollePolle, angle is correct... a point to you mew thinks...

Thursday 04th January 2001

Post 35

You can call me TC

What about the correct accusation that that only makes five new words?

Thursday 04th January 2001

Post 36



Play by the rules!

(PS Are there any, by the way?)

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