A Conversation for The H2IQ Quiz - Be The First Among Equals

Friday 26th July 2002

Post 1


Two ferry boats start moving at the same instant from opposite sides of the h2g2 River, one boat going from the Aroma Café to the Cheshire Grin Inn, and the other from the Cheshire Grin Inn to The Aroma Café. One boat is faster than the other, so they meet at a point 720 yards from the nearest shore. After arriving at their destinations, each boat remains for 10 minutes to change passengers before starting on the return trip. The boats meet again at a point 400 yards from the other shore. What is the exact width of the river?

Friday 26th July 2002

Post 2


er.. 1120 yards?
smiley - bluefish

Friday 26th July 2002

Post 3


2320, i'm not sure though, my math sucks

Friday 26th July 2002

Post 4

Simon the Silly Sausage (Gone AWOL from h2g2)

Surely this is impossible to work out unless you know how much faster one of the boats is travelling. Or by knowing how long it took one of the boats to cross.
My head hurts! smiley - wah

Friday 26th July 2002

Post 5

Gnomon - time to move on

No, it should be possible all right. It is just very hard.

Friday 26th July 2002

Post 6

kelli - ran 2 miles a day for 2012, aiming for the same for 2013

*glad I can pretend I'm not trying today, rather than admit I don't know how to do this...*

smiley - puffk - h2IQ Champion

Friday 26th July 2002

Post 7

The Ghost of Polidari

1760 yards.

I think.

So much working out I'm not prepared to check it all though!!!!!

Friday 26th July 2002

Post 8

The Ghost of Polidari

Here's the working out:

Width of river = a
speed of boat 1 (fastest) = x
speed of boat 2 = y
length of time until they meet for the first time = n
length of time until they meet for the second time = m


x * n = a - 720
y * n = 720
x * m = 2a - 400
y * m = a + 400

n = (a - 720)/x = 720/y
m = (2a - 400)/x = (a + 400)/y

combining gives y = 720x/(a-720) = (a + 400)x/(2a - 400)
divide both sides by x and multiply out gives
(a * a) - 320a - 288000 = 1440a - 288000
add 288000 to each side and divide by a gives a - 320 = 1440

So a = 1760.


Friday 26th July 2002

Post 9

Simon the Silly Sausage (Gone AWOL from h2g2)

Where does the 10 minute wait come into it then?

Friday 26th July 2002

Post 10

Gnomon - time to move on

You can ignore the 10 minute wait, because they both wait.

I have worked it out by a different method (finally!) and have also got 1760 yards.

Friday 26th July 2002

Post 11

kelli - ran 2 miles a day for 2012, aiming for the same for 2013


Well done!

I had got as far as width w = 720+400+(some value greater than 320).

Very glad this wasn't yesterday's question!

Friday 26th July 2002

Post 12

Gnomon - time to move on

By the way, my calculation worked out as 720 + 720 + 720 - 400.smiley - winkeye

Friday 26th July 2002

Post 13


The 10 minute wait does matter surely?
"After arriving at their destinations, each boat remains for 10 minutes to change passengers before starting on the return trip."

Therefore, the fast boat has it's 10 minute wait first. In fact it might even have started on its return journey before the slow boat has its 10 min wait.

Good luck! I'm off out anyway. smiley - run
smiley - bluefish

Friday 26th July 2002

Post 14

You can call me TC

I challenge the word river. At best, something this size must be a very wide estuary.

Friday 26th July 2002

Post 15

Gnomon - time to move on

I believe the Mississippi River is a mile wide in places.

Friday 26th July 2002

Post 16

Simon the Silly Sausage (Gone AWOL from h2g2)

I think there are two answers to this question.

Isn't it possible that the fastest boat crosses the river, and gets back to the other boat, before the other boat has crossed the river once ?

Or does the term 'meet' imply that the boats are facing each other?

Friday 26th July 2002

Post 17


Very good Polidari...1,760 yeards is indeed the correct answer... or me would have accepted a mile... as they the same thing me thinks... ~grin~ the very first point of this new round of h2iq goes to you...

Friday 26th July 2002

Post 18

The Ghost of Polidari

Thanks Greebo.

I would be honoured if you'd accept this smiley - donut from me...

Friday 26th July 2002

Post 19

kelli - ran 2 miles a day for 2012, aiming for the same for 2013

Nice one smiley - ok

The boyfriend explained how to work this out at the weekend, with lots of drawings of triangles and the like. It took him several goes to get it into my brain. Am incredibly impressed... smiley - biggrin

smiley - puffk

Friday 26th July 2002

Post 20

The Ghost of Polidari

Thanks Kelli.

How are you enjoying being champion? Have people been stopping you in the street yet????

Sooooooo jealous....

smiley - biggrin

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