A Conversation for 'Beachcomber' and UK Satire

Beachcomber on TV

Post 1

Deputy Assistant Chief Cook and Bottlewasher

In the 1960s Spike Milligan starred in a TV series based on J.B. Morton's Beachcomber columns, playing many of the characters himself.

I particularly liked his appearance as one of the members of the Filthistan Trio, a group of inept Middle Eastern acrobats, who were regularly trying to convince the foppish impresario (played by Julian Orchard) to hire them:

Orchard: "Well, actually..."
Milligan (as Filthistan 1)(roaring with laughter):"Oh dear, 'actually' something very rude in Persian!"

Beachcomber on TV

Post 2


Who played the red-bearded dwarfs, because they had the best names ever!
(Terry Pratchett even helped himself to one )smiley - biggrin

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