This is the Message Centre for Lord Byancbaldich a.k.a. Ancba, posting as Flopsy the Catrabbit coz he's in the Unknown Regions

The R-evolution is here

Post 1

Commies from outer-space

Come and join the revolution in h2g2....

The R-evolution is here

Post 2

Lord Byancbaldich a.k.a. Ancba, posting as Flopsy the Catrabbit coz he's in the Unknown Regions

A revolution? What against?

The R-evolution is here

Post 3

Six clones: Y2K, Y3K, Y4K, Y2C, Y3C, and Y4C

[Y2K] Whaddaya got? smiley - bigeyes

The R-evolution is here

Post 4

Lord Byancbaldich a.k.a. Ancba, posting as Flopsy the Catrabbit coz he's in the Unknown Regions

Very funny. Now get out.

The R-evolution is here

Post 5

Six clones: Y2K, Y3K, Y4K, Y2C, Y3C, and Y4C

[Exeunt, gloomy]

The R-evolution is here

Post 6

Commies from outer-space

hey six clones

are you by any chance related to that white wigged basted
Zaphod Beeblebrox?

The R-evolution is here

Post 7

Lord Byancbaldich a.k.a. Ancba, posting as Flopsy the Catrabbit coz he's in the Unknown Regions

No, they aren't.

Tell me, what are you rebelling against?

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