This is the Message Centre for Resistor 147330

Another boring day...almost

Post 1

Resistor 147330

Well, it looks like today's going to be just another boring day. Or maybe not... To day I get to call my girlfriend in St. Paul!! Long distance rates are too high to call more than once a week, so that makes to day special.
It's kinda funny to think about, but we've really only known each other for about 2 weeks. We met at a french immersion camp about 5 weeks ago. She was there for 2 weeks, and I for 4. So I was only physically with her for 2 weeks, yet we have one of the deepest relationships I've ever had.

Another boring day...almost

Post 2

Ford's Evil Quarter Brother


Sorry. Saw the name and couldn't help myself. One of the best parts about being evil is getting to pretend you're a Vogon.

Welcome aboard. Go to parties. They can be interesting.

Another boring day...almost

Post 3

Resistor 147330

WOW!!! I hadn't expected to actually get a reply (even if I don't really understand it). Does this mean that people might actually read what I write??!! Amazing!!!

Another boring day...almost

Post 4

Ford's Evil Quarter Brother

There is much in the Universe that we don't understand. Just one of those things we all need to get over. So, just go out, enjoy yourself, and, of course, go to parties.

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