This is the Message Centre for ianhimself


Post 1


walked in this morning playing bruce cockburn in my head ... you have to do that when you forgot to own an's probably better for the environment too, in some mysterious way we'll hear about in 2027 when the last eco warrior is laying down her arms at the megamaxinike chapel revolving doors.... anyway...enough of such defeatism and back to was the "charity of night" album i was listening to .... a truly wonderful album exploring such a gamut of ideas and emotions ... and i'd just got to "pacing the cage"...which may just be my favourite song of all time ... well, of course, except for "blue", and "love minus zero", and "late for the sky" and "whole of the mooon", and most of the antony and the johnsons get the drift..... anyway ... back to "pacing the cage"...

"i've proven who i am so many times/the magnetic strip's worn thin/and each time i was someone else/and everyone was taken in"....

and i was stunned again.... for probably the 3,527th time in my life...

and i just thoght i'd share it .... not that i'm presumptious enough to think that anyone actually reads this you understand....


Post 2

Trout Montague

Brace. Tis a small but dedicated fold that harken thine thoughts. Spare thought now for U182827, whose journal is delight insofar as it sought 'til recent times to blow no trumpet.


Post 3


ah now .....that was a wonderous introduction ..... and thank you for it ....

her ...(i assume she's a her.... or a washinc machine mechanic)...her thoughts are stunningly articulate ... and her range of philosophical causes are as many and varied as my own!

smiley - cheers


Post 4


I'd never thought of owning an ipod either - but I purchased an mp3 player at the weekend. It really was a great bargain. Considering I have several hundred CD's that I'd love to take with me when I move abroad next month, and knowing they will not fit into my suitcase it suddenly seemed a very good idea. Not my own bright idea - all credit goes to my son on this one. Anyway my new toy holds 15,000 tracks so I should be able to get most of my collection downloaded onto it.

I say 'should' with the slightest hesitation - mainly because I really am a blonde when it comes to technology, lol. Put it this way - I haven't quite mastered it yet!

Hope you're having a good day. Complete and utter chaos in my house today.

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