This is the Message Centre for King Cthulhu of Balwyniti

Tickling thread

Post 401

King Cthulhu of Balwyniti

Probably...smiley - tongueout

Tickling thread

Post 402


You sound doubtful... smiley - tongueout

Tickling thread

Post 403

King Cthulhu of Balwyniti

Me? Doubtful? You must be thinking of some other King you know...smiley - tongueout

Tickling thread

Post 404


*thinks through the other Kings she knows*

Nope, I don't think so... smiley - tongueout

Tickling thread

Post 405

King Cthulhu of Balwyniti

Oh good....wait a minute, how many other places are you a Queen of...smiley - tongueout

Tickling thread

Post 406



Tickling thread

Post 407

King Cthulhu of Balwyniti

*sobs* I thought I was special...smiley - winkeye

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