A Conversation for Queen Victoria: 1817 - 1837

Queen Victoria

Post 1

Brown Eyed Girl

I don't mind having a go at Queen Victoria, if nobody else has claimed her.

Queen Victoria

Post 2

Wilma Neanderthal


Queen Vicky's been done in rather a big way, hon.


See if there's something else that takes your fancy.

smiley - ok


Queen Victoria

Post 3

Brown Eyed Girl

Ahhm okay. I noticed her mentioned on the main page for challenge h2g2 and couldn't find any recent conversations claiming her. Maybe the page needs upating smiley - winkeye

Queen Victoria

Post 4

Wilma Neanderthal

Good point smiley - biggrin

Want to borrow a pokey stick?

smiley - run

Queen Victoria

Post 5


I am baffled....
Did Queen Victoria take opium as a stimulant or a relaxant?
I would be very interested to now by the next millenium.
Did she take it with Sherlock Holmes as her fictional companion or some other literary notary?

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Post 6

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Editorial Note: This conversation has been moved from 'Challenge h2g2 ' to 'Queen Victoria: 1817 - 1837'.

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