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Post 1

Bob Gone for good read the jornal

Hi I am one of the Angels I am here to welcom you to the Gide and offer ansers to any questions you have.


Post 2


Hi Meta4,does a metababelfish translate the translations into a

language you don't know yet?



Post 3


(I can never seem to get the spelling correct with this name, sometimes I write it backwards by accident. Did I get it right this time?) smiley - smiley

In this case the metababelfish is actually the golden fish symbol. I do like your perspective though, since it could also imply that a babelfish might need something like itself stuck in it's own ear.
Egads! smiley - bigeyes

Be seeing you.


Post 4

Bob Gone for good read the jornal

You got it backwords againe but its ok I forgive you smiley - tongueout

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