This is the Message Centre for icantthinkofacoolname

not so useful

Post 1


When I found this site, I thought "Now there's something I can use." I committed the site to my long term memory (Which must need defragmenting, as I keep misplacing where I store things!). Anyway, I'm driving down the highway, (That's what we call a motorway over here) and I saw a sign. I thought "I wonder what that means?") When I got back home I remembered this site and logged on to answer my question. Alas, I forgot what the sign said.
I just logged on to find what was the longest extension cord was that I could buy and if I'd have to trade in my Lada for a semi (oops, lorry) to haul it with. There isn't a listing for extension cords. Anyone have a laptop going cheap?

not so useful

Post 2

Ballet Hiker

I usually think those pads of paper attached to the windshield with a BIG suction cup are silly. Still, If you are going around fergeetin' things....

not so useful

Post 3


I got a parrot going "AAAAwwwwwRRRRRkkkkkkkkk"
Harhar the old 1s are the best.....
8^D Amigo

not so useful

Post 4


Someone tried to explain the law of continuity. Now I am really confused. What Has AAAAwwwwwRRRRRkkkkkkkkk have to do with anything? Forgive my ignorance. I'm new to this, having never done it before. Does that make me a virgin?
Now who's losing continuity?
If this is my page can I say what I want?
Have I achieved godhood?
Can I tell my wife?

not so useful

Post 5


U said u want a laptop going cheap....chicks go cheep...parrots go
AAwwwRRRkkkkk (ooos a pritty boy?)

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