This is the Message Centre for Emily 'Twa Bui' Ultramarine

Rites of Passage

Post 1

Emily 'Twa Bui' Ultramarine

Two momentous events occurred in my young life this week. Firstly, my first wisdom tooth started coming through. Second, I broke a bone for the first time. I now have my right arm covered in a disproportionately large amount of plaster for a hairline fracture in my wrist. Still, I'm left-handed, so no skin off my nose. smiley - smiley

It's just a bugger that rites of passage have a tendency to be so bloody painful. smiley - bruised

Rites of Passage

Post 2


Sorry to hear that Emily; still, only four to eight weeks (well that's what it's been each of the... five? No, six times I did my left arm in and thrice for the right (well I haven't got the BEST balance in the world, and it certainly doesn't help if someone boots a ball at you when you're jogging along and you step on it! The first aider (receptionist) at school said "Wiggle it about and rub it, it's okay" and it was broken. Or was that when I tripped up the steps to the huts?)

Anyway, you can see I've lots of experience with broken bones. Just relax it as much as you can. :/


Rites of Passage

Post 3

Emily 'Twa Bui' Ultramarine

I'm quite gutted now, actually - someone else has now decided that it's not broken, so I haven't got me plaster any more. Still kills, though. smiley - bruised

How did you go about breaking all those bones? smiley - yikes

My stories

Post 4

Saint Patrick Patron Saint of Depression: Here to haunt your dreams and stalk your waking hours

I've been in that situation, bloody doctors saying it is broken only to dicover they have mixed up the x rays, so I had to wear it for 2 weeks and cause they hadn't made it properly it had started to rot. But that was the third timne in plaster. The first time I was doing the long jump on grass at my old school and landed on my arm, resulting in a greenstick fracture in my right arm. After 6 weeks in plaster it was taken off only to be put back in, 2 weeks after with another greenstick, same place, different side. I have also had it in a sling a few times with major sprains. Also had my fingers taped up countless times. Including trapping them in a bicycle while playing Rugby! While in plaster the second time I also ripped out a chunk of muscle from the back of my left leg, when while in plaster, I found myself dangling over the wrong side of an escalator rail in C&A's in Birmingham. To prevent a 4 storey plumet I had to wrap my leg round a metal bar at the top, hence resulting in me appearing oncemore at Good Hope in a Taxi. I then had the idiocy to go on holiday to Wales in a caravan and nearly drowned when in a thunderstorm I found myself sleepwalking on the edge of the swimming pool.

Does the broken arm mean you won't be coming in to do Stage Crew then?

Rites of Passage

Post 5

The Spring Waldo Onion

smiley - cuddle

Sorry to hear about your mishaps.
Wisdom teeth can be a real b****r. Mine started coming up the Spring before my A-levels, but the dentist said they wouldn't be a problem. Eighteen months later, they came through with a vengeance during my July exams at university, and did so much damage that they had to be surgically removed.

So you're lucky, you can deal with them before you do any more exams! smiley - smiley

Hope you're doing OK. I miss you.
You know where to mail me...


Rites of Passage

Post 6


Tripping, slipping, that kind of thing. Getting knocked down, slipping on foam balls...


Hope u feel better soon, Em.


Rites of Passage

Post 7

Saint Patrick Patron Saint of Depression: Here to haunt your dreams and stalk your waking hours

My Wisdom teeth have been coming through for the last year, myy fourth has started now while the third is almost fully out

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