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Big toe nail

Post 1


Well I wasn't planning on writting a journal entry just yet but I visited someone's page who hadn't written one and the default message guilted me into writing one right away. Since I hadn't planned on writing I don't have anything to write about so I'll just say what's on my mind right now. I'm at work worrying about my dance class when I get off. I have a problem with the nail on my left big toe and messing with it just made it worse so it hurts in a spot that my ballet slippers easily irritate and that is no good. My mom tells me to not cut it but I have to keep my toe nails short for dancing or it will cause many more problems. See, I told you I didn't have anything to write about.

Big toe nail

Post 2

Katsy a.k.a. Esti

I seem to have a rather nasty infection in my right toe and it's swollen up and gone pusy! (you really didn't want to know that I know!) I'm having to take slow release capsules for them and I'm really fed up. I sort of know what you're going through....

Big toe nail

Post 3


Ewww, that sounds a lot worse than my problem. I think it's just an ingrown toe nail. But I feel for you, I really do. I'm just glad I made it through my dance class and actually the other toe hurt more than that one for some reason.

This may be a stupid question but who is Skandal?

Big toe nail

Post 4

Katsy a.k.a. Esti

Skandal-THE BEST BOYBAND EVER!!!!! You probably wouldn't have heard of them yet if you are American as they are a new band. They haven't released any CD's yet but are planning to here in September, then they'll do an international release! I've met them and they ARE GORGEOUS AND TOTALLY FAB! James has to be the cutest one ever! is the picture I took! If not check out where you can listen to music samples and everything! You want to know anything about them ask me!

Anyway as I was saying......I think my toenail is almost better now, seems to be the capsules worked!

Big toe nail

Post 5


Great news about the toe. Mine is fine now. Not only would I not have heard of them because I'm in the US but I also don't stay that informed about boy bands either. I basically try to avoid them. But thanx for the links, I'll still check 'em out.

Big toe nail

Post 6

Katsy a.k.a. Esti

Ah, you'll love them! They seem to mainly do bad boy pop, which is groovy, but they've got 1 or 2 ballads, well, they have to don't they? smiley - winkeye

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