This is the Message Centre for tainted_dem

wednesday sermon, the real TD

Post 1


greetings td members, i want to thank you all for being here, and i'd like to put the fire of td back in your soal. i thought this all out last night while waiting for sleep to find me. what is Tainted Dementia all about you may ask. I'm here to tell you that Tainted Dementia is not something you join, it's something you find in yourself. not everyone has the right stuff to be in TD, some of us have found the spirit in us alive and kicking, and others have seen that there is no TD in them, and have moved on. no one can describe the spirit of TD, it's simpily a feeling of devotion that comes from within, a feeling that you want to add your thoughts/opinions/beliefs/skills/whatever, to TD, to show to others, but most impotrantly to yourself, that you have what it takes to be included under the name TAINTED DEMENTIA. this is not a club to come and join and crap alot, this is a place to help your conscience, and subconscience, get what it needs to keep sanity. in my personal life, i don't feel like anyone ever listens, and so i post on this club, under the name of TAINTED DEMENTIA, and i feel that i am heard. this makes me feel like people care, and i get things off my mind. this helps me gain my sanity in this insane world. i'm not sure the motives of others, but maybe d2a used td to prove to himself that he can do things on the puter that people enjoy. maybe one of you want to prove that you can be devoted to something, or mabye you need some social contact. there are many reason to come here, and i encourage you guys to discuss these, it's insanity annonamus here, you're not really annonamus, but you shouldn't feel that you have to be. we, the co-founders of this club under the name of td, try not to discrimate against anyone, unless they rage war on another club member. so i encourage you all to contribute anything you wish to the sanity regaining organization here under the name TAINTED DEMENTIA.

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wednesday sermon, the real TD

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