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Arcum Posted Jul 11, 2000
Thanks! I'm sure I will.I've been a fan of Douglas Adams for a long time, and have hung out at afda for quite a while, but didn't explore h2g2 'till a few days ago. Definately a fun place. Now I'm thinking about what I should write an entry on...
Oh, I'm trying to link everything as much as possible on my page. A pity I haven't found a page with the air-speed velocity of an unladen african swallow yet...
Arcum Posted Jul 15, 2000
I thought about that, but I realized that I don't know the speed of a unladen african swallow. I'd probably be better off writing entries about things I know about. Anime. Science Fiction. Fantasy. Angband. Mac clones. Celtic music. That sort of thing...
I read enough books that I could do a lot of entries just on that...
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"The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy is a wholly remarkable book. It has been compiled and recompiled many times and under many different editorships. It contains contributions from countless numbers of travellers and researchers."