A Conversation for Editorial Feedback
BBC The People's War
Rosiep Started conversation Jan 13, 2017
Apologies if this isn't the correct space for this query - I'm trying to find out some information about the BBC Archived Site WW2 The People's War, and I was wondering if you can help. The site reccommends that people post their stories about WW2 here following the closure of their site, so I was wondering if there's anyone on here that knows anything about the people that ran the site previously. Any help you guys could give would be amazing.
BBC The People's War
Icy North Posted Jan 13, 2017
It was one of the sites the BBC ran on the DNA server. h2g2 was sold off in 2011 (we're currently hosted by a company called Noesis, I believe) I have in the past found People's War pages online, and there might be some third party sites still hosting them, even if the BBC has archived them.
I take it you've done a thorough Google search? I'll have a quick look too...
BBC The People's War
Icy North Posted Jan 13, 2017
Well, that didn't take long:
All the material is available online, still.
BBC The People's War
Icy North Posted Jan 13, 2017
There are some references to the project in h2g2 conversations if you do an Advanced Search.
This conversation has the old BBC project address, in case you wanted to write to them. I'm not sure they still use that office today - they're moving out of White City - but I'm sure a letter would find its way to someone in the know.
BBC The People's War
Icy North Posted Jan 13, 2017
h2g2 user Katherine wa the producer of People's War. Her h2g2 home page has some linked conversations and journal entries you might find interesting:
Unfortunately, Katherine's no longer active on this site.
BBC The People's War
Icy North Posted Jan 13, 2017
Finally, the BBC History Messageboards are still available to view:
BBC The People's War
SashaQ - happysad Posted Jan 13, 2017
That is an interesting and valuable project. I see there is some information about the story gathering methods on the site http://www.bbc.co.uk/history/ww2peopleswar/about/index.shtml?123456
We have an Entry called Stories from World War Two A930232 which was compiled in 2003, so I wonder if that was related to the project.
Aha! The People's War Team have their own page here on h2g2 U226169
I hope that helps
BBC The People's War
coelacanth Posted Jan 15, 2017
The producer was Katherine Campbell. In 2007 she went to Radio 4 as a content producer for A History of the World, although that seems to have closed now too. Linkedin suggests she's still at the BBC, working on content for the WW1 Interactive Guide.
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BBC The People's War
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