A Conversation for Editorial Feedback

EF May Day

Post 1



In a blockquote above the subheader "Aftermath" here are links to Entries on four of the five martyrs listed: "Truth crucified in Socrates, in Christ, in Giordano Bruno, in Huss, in Galileo still lives"

May I suggest adding a link to A60734955 "Galileo Galilei"


Truth crucified in Socrates, in Christ, in Giordano Bruno, in Huss, in Galileo still lives

smiley - ta

EF May Day

Post 2


Though it has to be said the 'crucifixion' in Galileo's case was mild: according to the Entry (which being by Gnomon is highly reliable) he was never even imprisoned or excommunicated, let alone burned at the stake like Bruno.

However, that's what the Entry says, and the meaning is clear: the truth was forcibly suppressed.

EF May Day

Post 3


Link addedsmiley - ok
Thanks for the excellent suggestion.


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