A Conversation for Editorial Feedback
World's Worst Orchestra! - A minor correction...
bialystock Started conversation May 21, 2004
I am a Luddite newbie - so please forgive me if I'm doing this wrong. At my advanced age - I'm too old to graps many new computing techniques.
I'm writing to respectfully point out a factual error in an otherwise wonderful editorial page about the infamous Portsmouth Sinfonia. Otherwise known as The World's Worst Orchestra. (Though some regard that as an understatement...)
I know whereof I write since I have been the manager of the Sinfonia since 1973.
The actual page is
the 6th paragraph of this piece starts out:
>On 28 May, 1978, the Sinfonia staged a concert at the Albert Hall.
The day and month is correct. But the year is wrong. The year was actually 1974.
This would not normally matter much except that since the 30th anniversary is right upon us - there are about to be several stories in major UK newspapers about the anniversary. And they will all be referring to the correct year - 1974.
It was actually a journalist for a national paper that flagged my attention to the error. She was researching the anniversary - and was confused to see the year listed as 1978 on a BBC-related site.
I don't know how the correction process works - whether it has to be drawn to the attention of the (I'm sure) over-worked editorial staff.
In any event - may I respectfully request that the this minor error of fact be corrected - lest some folks assume that our glorious concert was only 26 years ago...
many thanks
World's Worst Orchestra! - A minor correction...
Mu Beta Posted May 21, 2004
Wow! You are really the manager of the Portsmouth Sinfonia?! Please stay on site - it'd be nice to have a minor celebrity around.
BTW, was your use of 'A Minor Correction' in the subject line a musical joke or an accident.
I'm sure the correction will be made on Monday when the Editors get back in the office.
World's Worst Orchestra! - A minor correction...
There is only one thing worse than being Gosho, and that is not being Gosho Posted May 21, 2004
And well done for choosing the correct place to bring this to the Editors' attention
World's Worst Orchestra! - A minor correction...
bialystock Posted May 22, 2004
I'm a very minor celebrity - though I can be sharp...
Though I'm very fond of punning - that reference to "A Minor Correction" was actually a total accident.
If I can work out how to keep finding this site - I will try to pop in occasionally!
The Sunday Telegraph this weekend is planning to run a story about the 30th anniversary of our Royal Alber Hall concert - hence my desire to get the error corrected.
I have to thank "Peet" for directing me how to post the correction request.
BTW - the term "A Minor" does figure in the Sinfonia story... The orchestra decided to tackle Tchaikovsky's first Piano Concerto for the RAH concert. A piece which is in B flat minor. However all those sharps and flats confused the members - so the entire piece was transposed to.... A Minor!
World's Worst Orchestra! - A minor correction...
Smij - Formerly Jimster Posted May 22, 2004
bialystock, it's my pleasure to make that correction for you - and congratulations on the 30th anniversary.
Oh, and welcome to h2g2
World's Worst Orchestra! - A minor correction...
Mu Beta Posted May 22, 2004
And here we see, yet again, Jimster displaying his lack of social life...by working weekends. Fascinating.
World's Worst Orchestra! - A minor correction...
bialystock Posted May 22, 2004
many thanks indeed. I was dreading a 3-4 year wait to get a correction.
Nothing wrong with working weekends. Some of us are fortunate enough to enjoy our work. personally I like working "25/8." (That's a Beatlish version of the over-used "24/7")
I see that you are an authority on B.A. Robertson. (accoridng to intro written by your colleague Natalie)
There is a connection between B.A. aka Brian - and the Portsmouth Sinfonia.
If this trivial pursuit info would be of any interest - I will be happy to spill the beanz.
Readers must excuse the lack of those "smilies" in my text. A) I hate them - having lived through the era of their original incarnation - the 70's. And B) I haven't a clue where to locate them in cyber terms - and even less desire to...
World's Worst Orchestra! - A minor correction...
Mu Beta Posted May 22, 2004
Panic ye not. It is entirely possible to live a full and wholesome life on h2g2 without the use of smileys.
(If you do find the need, you can find them at <./>Smileys</.> though)
World's Worst Orchestra! - A minor correction...
Smij - Formerly Jimster Posted May 22, 2004
Sadly, Natalie is, I suspect, joking. We just both really like pop music, and we'd both noted that he was one of those artists that seemed ubiquitous at one time yet disappeared almost overnight.
Please, I'd love to hear your story.
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World's Worst Orchestra! - A minor correction...
- 1: bialystock (May 21, 2004)
- 2: Mu Beta (May 21, 2004)
- 3: There is only one thing worse than being Gosho, and that is not being Gosho (May 21, 2004)
- 4: bialystock (May 22, 2004)
- 5: Smij - Formerly Jimster (May 22, 2004)
- 6: Mu Beta (May 22, 2004)
- 7: bialystock (May 22, 2004)
- 8: Mu Beta (May 22, 2004)
- 9: Smij - Formerly Jimster (May 22, 2004)
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