A Conversation for Editorial Feedback
Making Changes to pending entry
Zaphod II Started conversation Mar 2, 2002
I have just read my entry "Prurience, Pornography and the Tabloid Press" which has been subbed and is now pending. Unfortunately, I don't know who to contact about the need to correct the 3rd paragraph from the end. As it doesn't presently make sense (the meaning has been altered somewhat in the editing process) please can it be changed to:
"From the reader's perspective, there is a fascination in leafing through 'revealing' or 'titillating' stories in the tabloid press of the rich and famous, to become acquainted with the minutiae of their seemingly illustrious, show-biz lives. What are we hoping to 'unearth' about our own lives? What comparisons, if any, can we draw? Perhaps escaping the reality of our mundane existence is what matters. It is what we invest in the fantasy of others' lives that prevails. But you say, though grossly edifying, to middle-class sensibilities these rags are an opiate of the masses, a comic book for adults, read only by the less educated. Far from being serious journalism, the contents merely entertain, to engage our need for voyeuristic pleasure and amusement."
With Thanks
Zaphod (U176577)
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Making Changes to pending entry
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