A Conversation for Editorial Feedback
What rule did I break?
The Stinky Cheese Man Started conversation Dec 19, 2001
I've just had a posting relating to the siblings discussion that was hidden because it broke the house rules. I was wondering how it broke the rules, because I've looked over the house rules and see nothing in my peice that is in any way offensive to anyone nor does it contravene any of the other rules (as far as I can tell).
Could one of the moderators be so kind as to explain what I did wrong or what I said that made it unfit for community view please?
What rule did I break?
Jimi X Posted Dec 19, 2001
If the posting was hidden because it broke the house rules, you should have received an email about the matter and you can appeal the mods' decision via the email.
- X
What rule did I break?
I'm not really here Posted Dec 19, 2001
I don't think that's your post Beepo. From checking your space your post is number one, number 2 seems to belong to someone else...
What rule did I break?
h2g2Support Posted Dec 19, 2001
Absolutely - it wasn't you, Beepo. Someone came on to h2g2 last night and randomly posted Postings consisting of nothing but millions of copies of the word 'f**k' (but without the *'s), and this is one of them. We've given them an official warning: see http://www.bbc.co.uk/h2g2/guide/F81458?thread=157459 Definitely nothing you did wrong!
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What rule did I break?
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