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Astoria and Shepards Bush Gigs

Post 1


What can I say? How bloody brilliant are Catatonia?
Better than I can express in this small space.

Catatonia played at the Astoria on Saturday 8th May and they were good. Then they played at Shepards Bush Empire 10th May and they were even better.

They played a range of everything they've done from the older stuff like You've Got A lot To Answer For to the new Dead From The Waist Down.

If you only slightly like Catatonia I suggest you go an see them LIVE as soon as possible and you'll LOVE Catatonia.

Astoria and Shepards Bush Gigs

Post 2


they alsso played DYBIM. it was, up until that point, my lifelong ambition to see catatonia play DYBIM live.

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Astoria and Shepards Bush Gigs

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