This is the Message Centre for Ishhara


Post 1


*readies herself*


Post 2

NYC Student - The innocent looking one =P

all these damn heroes coming out of the woodworks... you vastly outnumber us villians, yet you can't beat us?! sad...

smiley - fish, and another smiley - fish for good (bad) measure!


Post 3


smiley - winkeye
Hello and welcome to the battle.
God, you're gorgeous!
But could you get your lions to stop licking the stains off my vest?


Post 4

Larj Parz

Hiya everyone and Vestboy, you keep beating me to it. Man, those lions are big. I don't htink they have any taste though. Not licking Vestboy's vest like that. Iwouldn't lick Vestboy's vest if you paid me. Really.


Post 5


Thank you for the kind welcome

*calls off the lions*


Post 6

Iceraven(Lord of Shadows)(Muse of Vampirism)(Keeper of Things that should not be)

~sneaks up and pulls out his snowazar, setting the freeze time at 1 day. He takes aim and freezes her lion's and Ishhara's feet~ Fish Me?
You have the gaul to fish me? ~Walks up and thinks of all the things he could do but restrains himself. Slaps a smiley - fish on Ishhara's head and turns towards he lions~ You really like those guys dont you? Hmmm Perhaps I'll have to do somthing about that soon. ~Grins at Ishhara showing his fangs~ See ya later babe. ~winks and dissapears among manical laughter~


Post 7


*mutters at his retreating form 'twerp'*


Post 8

Lucy Lastick

Don't forget you can put your own smilywink in your forum to fend off the fishy elements.
smiley - winkeye
Now that's a real shame about the fish being so negative here. I'd like to give one to your little kitties to eat for tea. Have a bowl of milk instead \______/


Post 9

Iceraven(Lord of Shadows)(Muse of Vampirism)(Keeper of Things that should not be)

~just as Ishara thaws out the screaming whine of incoming Heat-Seeking Fishmissles is heard~
~~~~~~~~smiley - fish
~~~~~~~~~~smiley - fish
~~~~~~~~~~~smiley - fish
~~~~~~~~~smiley - fish


Post 10

soeasilyamused, or sea

haha! fish number deux! smiley - fish


Post 11


smiley - winkeye


Post 12

NYC Student - The innocent looking one =P

~~~~~~~~~smiley - fish
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~smiley - fish
~~~~~~smiley - fish

Take that! and that! and more of these:

~~~~~~~~~~~~smiley - fish

~~~~~smiley - fish
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~smiley - fish


Post 13

Zebedee (still Pool God after all these years)

Oooh! Fishy fireworks!


Post 14

Iceraven(Lord of Shadows)(Muse of Vampirism)(Keeper of Things that should not be)

smiley - fish here kitty kitty kitty...

Key: Complain about this post