This is the Message Centre for Larj Parz

Super Battle - 14 14 99

Post 41

evillene - I'm Baaaaaaack!

at long last, the invisible one returns. but was i ever REALLY gone? a paradox...
smiley - fish

Super Battle - 14 14 99

Post 42

soeasilyamused, or sea

smiley - fish

Super Battle - 14 14 99

Post 43

soeasilyamused, or sea

smiley - fish

Super Battle - 14 14 99

Post 44

soeasilyamused, or sea

whoops. don't ya hate multiple posts?

Super Battle - 14 14 99

Post 45


We can cope smiley - winkeye

Super Battle - 14 14 99

Post 46

Larj Parz

Thanx VB
They get in everywhere don't they?
smiley - winkeye

Super Battle - 14 14 99

Post 47

NYC Student - The innocent looking one =P

smiley - fish! and I have yet to see a really profound English movie...

Super Battle - 14 14 99

Post 48

Iceraven(Lord of Shadows)(Muse of Vampirism)(Keeper of Things that should not be)

~Ice appears drops a Heat-Seeking smiley - fish Beacon and steps into the Shadows as they come screaming over the horizion~

Super Battle - 14 14 99

Post 49


smiley - winkeye
Hiya Large. I've been away but I'm back now!

Super Battle - 14 14 99

Post 50

NYC Student - The innocent looking one =P

SOMEBODY here can't spell...

smiley - fish

Super Battle - 14 14 99

Post 51

soeasilyamused, or sea

lol... poor superzeroes.... no education at all... smiley - fish

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