This is the Message Centre for Mankoid's Flipper


Post 1


hello mankoid's flipper.
remeber me? it's wigfiddle (the observer)
i hadn't planned on returning but my other half has gone insane and calling himself MASTER OF CHAOS.

i saw that you were back and decided to drop by your page.


Post 2

Mankoid's Flipper

I didn't notice you were back!
Sorry I haven't replied earlier.
Are you alright? I missed you.
I'm not really here either 'cause I've been so busy recently.
Your other half? Master of Chaos? Well men are like that you know.


Post 3

Mankoid's Flipper

You don't reply to me do you?


Post 4


i'm replying. i was gone again. i don't know if i'm going to stay or not.

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