This is the Message Centre for bigalthefirst( patron saint of patron saints)


Post 1


Well you certainly caused a stir - Not greet by an Ace what will the world of h2g2 come to next.
vegiman - guilty as charged. smiley - sadface


Post 2

bigalthefirst( patron saint of patron saints)

hello what is a vegiman, does he eat veggies, I was getting lonely all on my own and now the state police visit me, am I in trouble ?

scared but nice-bigalthefirst


Post 3

Newcomers 2h2g2

No police - sorry it took so long to get back to you - Busy IRLife

If you want to get busy on your page just float around and post messages to other researchers they will soon start coming to your page. click on a few links on the newcomers 2h2g2 page - they are all new like yourself.
have fun
alias vegimansmiley - smiley


Post 4

bigalthefirst( patron saint of patron saints)


Thanks getting the hang now, I got visited by lots of ACES posing as JOKERS too.

Live life and stay cool, unbridled with guilt and stuff like that.

Bigalthefirstthesecondandalltherest smiley - winkeye, smiley - smiley


Post 5

Newcomers 2h2g2

Glad you are finding your way around now.

BTW - I am a real life vegman - I deliver them to homes around my area.

vegsmiley - smiley

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