This is the Message Centre for shadowfax

Hello shadowfax...

Post 1


...and welcome to h2g2 smiley - smiley I am an Assistant Community Editor (or ACE). We go around saying hello and lending helping hands smiley - smiley So if you have any probs with the site, or questions about it, I am here to help smiley - smiley Click 'reply' below and tell me all about it, we shall then take it from there smiley - smiley So, jusdging from the name, and from your 'it's life Jim...' quote, I take it you like Lord of the Rings and Star Trek? Well got to dash, but I will return smiley - smiley Until later.....
BCNU - Crescent

Hi Crescent...

Post 2


...thanks for the warm welcome. Shadowfax is a hang-over from my younger days when Lord of the Rings was a favourite of mine. I'm not really into Star Trek, I just like a little joke now and then. Makes reality bearable! Anyway, cya soon and 'Thanks for all the fish!'


Hi Crescent...

Post 3


It is probably the best name in the book smiley - smiley
BCNU - Crescent

Hi Crescent...

Post 4


Just added a bit music to my Home page! Is this legal (provided no copyrights infringed)? Is it possible with Guide ML instead of good old HTML?

Cya Crescent,


Hi Crescent...

Post 5


I don't think it can be done with GuideML, well yet smiley - sadface So stick with HTML for the mo'.
BCNU - Crescent

Hi Crescent...

Post 6


Thanks Crescent. I've also managed to add a Multimap link, opening in another window. Such are the pleasures of modern technology . . .

smiley - smiley shads

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