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Here, we are kings

Post 1


Life.... sometimes it can be a difficult concept to wrap your brain around. What am I supposed to do with this life I've been given? How do I know the right paths to choose as I wander, sometimes stumble, down the thread that is my fate? I look around at the few friends that I have left and I see them doing things with their lives. A few are in college, some are striving to find a career. Then I take a step back. I look at myself and try to see what lies ahead.

Introspection can be quite disappointing at times. My college palns were cut short when my parents divorced. I took to work, in a vain attempt to make due until I rejoined my fellow scholars.... that day never came. Try as I may, events transpired that kept me away from the hallowed halls of learning. As a result, I've worked the past two years for a major parcel delivery service. Somehow, I always expected more of myself. There were so many things I wanted to do, so many things I wanted to see... but I fear the time has come and gone.

Is there truly a grand scheme at work in the universe? Are we all just fulfilling a plan laid out for us millennia ago? Or are we the masters of our own fate? This question haunts me every day of my life. I hope to find the answer one day... before it is too late.

Here, we are kings

Post 2

John the gardener says, "Free Tibet!"

Cheer up, mate. You're only 20... the world's your oyster. I don't have a clue how the machinery works, or what most of the buttons are for; but, whether you're in charge or just a passenger like me, the views still the same... and most of the time it's pretty amazing when you're in the frame of mind to appreciate it.

As my late Grandad used, to say, "Keep yuh peckerup."smiley - smiley


Here, we are kings

Post 3


This is true, but still, the scenery can be quite bleak when your traveling alone. I've never much cared for oysters, so I guess that about says it all smiley - smiley

Here, we are kings

Post 4


You see your old friends and think that you have missed out on something maybe you have,but you should not look back on what you have missed but think what you want were do you want to be in 10 years,still working in the same job or in a better job for the same firm or do you want something else out of life if so what once you know what you want your nearly there you only have to work out how to get it i know that still sounds hard but once you know what you want how to get it is a lot easyer than you think.

Here, we are kings

Post 5


I used to know what I wanted out of life. Lately, I have existed in a world of confusion. Lifes adventure isn't what it once was. Ahh well, I'm sure I'll snap out of this funk sometime in the near future. Thanks for the kind words all, I greatly appreciate it.

Here, we are kings

Post 6

John the gardener says, "Free Tibet!"

Any time.smiley - smiley


Here, we are kings

Post 7


smiley - smiley I think I'll like being a part of this little community.

Here, we are kings

Post 8


It can be a very nice place the thing to remember is we are friends and we like to help others if we can then when we need help there is some were to come for it.

Here, we are kings

Post 9


Exactly. We live in a world so full of apathy, it's nice to know there are still a few decent folks out there.

Here, we are kings

Post 10

Angar Gasur

Youve ment decadent heards , dragonhart..

Here, we are kings

Post 11


Decadent hearts? I don't quite follow.

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