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My theory

Post 1


I'd like to throw this out for discussion. 'This' is my personal philosophy on life and existence. I don't know that it can necessarily be measured or quantified, but neither can the existence of a god, if that's what you prefer to believe in, right?
Anyway, I believe that everything, absolutely everything, is connected. Science has demonstrated that everything is made up of molecules, which are made up of atoms, which are made up of, well, sub-atomic particles. At the very, very tiniest aspect, everything looks pretty much the same, we're all made up of particles/atoms/molecules/whatever, which have manifested in various shapes/forms/energies/lives. The connection exists in the vibration of energy that resonates through all of us. Pythagoras theorized that everything in the universe vibrates at a given frequency, hence his development of Numerology. I would expand that further to suggest that it is the frequency of life that makes us the individuals that we are, and yet also connects us to each other. This is why I also believe in psychic connection, the existence of ghosts or spirits, real magic, and other 'unusual' phenomena - some people are just more tuned in to the frequencies of other phases of existence.
I would really love to hear what you think about this theory, and possibly discuss. Have you ever heard of any similar concepts, and if so, when and where?

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My theory

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