This is the Message Centre for BobofSirbobofbobish

My first journal entry.

Post 1


O.k, its 11.25 am(G.M.T) on a fine Friday morning. Now lets think... Right, yes, Well this is my first journal entry. What I am doing here? Trying to think of something to write thats what. O.k, well that thingie said -

"This is your Personal Home Page, the most useful page you could ever hope for. It's where people can come along and find out what a fantastically interesting person you are"

oh poo! Now I have to think of something witty and funny to say... Well erm... heh... I could tell a joke. No, on second thoughts scrap that idea, The patheticly small number of jokes I know are quite offensive to most people. Erm... My day so far then, that might fill up some space. 9.00 am I got up... 10.00 am took a strole to the bus stop where I hopped on the bus to collage... 10.20 arrived at collage and talked till well pretty much now when I came up to the I.T room instead of going to my lectures.
Well, that didn't fill up much space did it?
O.k i'm going to stop now. my fingers hurt already. erm, till next time oh journal o' mine.

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My first journal entry.

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