This is the Message Centre for soeasilyamused, or sea

Small Rant About the Weather

Post 1

soeasilyamused, or sea

WHY is it so FREEZING COLD here?!

yes, i realize it's january. i realize that we're in the dead of winter.


california usually doesn't get any colder than 60 degrees. the past few weeks, it's been closer to 45.

it-t-ts-s-s-s c-c-c-old-d-d-d-d out-t-t-t t-t-ther-r-re!!!!

Small Rant About the Weather

Post 2


*tiptoes in, and leaves a warm woolly jumper, scarf and mitts, and a thermos of hot chocolate milk for sea smiley - winkeye*

Small Rant About the Weather

Post 3

Zeb (Viva Something-or-Other! And the Zaphodistas!)

40 degrees, big whoop. It's in the 40's here too, but that's unnaturally WARM for the mountains. Heck, I don't need anything more than long sleeves in that sort of weahter. If it ain't below freezing, it ain't winter... That's MY philosophy, and except for increasing my risk of frostbite and hypothermia, it serves me well.

Personally, I'd be more concerned about random brown-outs than weather, if I were you smiley - winkeye.

Small Rant About the Weather

Post 4

soeasilyamused, or sea

thanks, B-17!!!! *hug*

well, zebby, if you had been born and raised in california, you'd be cold too. and i AM worried about brown-outs (they might sever my link to h2g2!) but they seem to be centered through the unimportant areas of CA- the inland areas. it seems that the large cities (where, incidentally, i live) don't have any problems that are more that a slight flickering of the lights every so often.

Small Rant About the Weather

Post 5


smiley - hug back.

Well it's in the 30's here. As for lights flickering, that happens when my eyes shut here on nightshift smiley - winkeye

Can either of you answer me this question.
Why does America still insist on using 'degrees Farenheit' to measure temp? I would have thought you would embrace Celsius or centigrade.
Just curious.

Babel-17 smiley - biggrin

Small Rant About the Weather

Post 6

soeasilyamused, or sea

you know, that's a really good question.

my best guess would be that old habits die hard. i don't think i could hold on to my sanity if one day the weather guy said, "it will be 7 degrees today..." because i'd still be thinking in farenheit, and, well.... you get the idea. i don't even know how to convert farenheit to celcius. i USED to know how to convert farenheit to kelvin, but... well... maybe i should have stayed AWAKE in chemistry last year. smiley - winkeye

Small Rant About the Weather

Post 7


smiley - smiley
All i remember is that 32F=0C and that for every 4F you go up it equals 2C roughly. ie 32F=0C, 40F=5C, 50F=10C and so on.

isn't 0K=0C-273? Chemistry. If only i had stuck at it. Ho hum smiley - winkeye
Perhaps the UK would be a happier place is we still used F to measure temp. That way they could say it was 40F and we would be happy because it wasn't -5 smiley - biggrin

Small Rant About the Weather

Post 8

soeasilyamused, or sea

lol. i'd be inclined to agree. 40F does sound a lot warmer than -5C.

and yes, i BELIEVE that is the formula for kelvin... it sounds about right. however, like i said before... i didn't exactly pay attention in chem.

Small Rant About the Weather

Post 9


So apart from being cold, how is California?
(currently listening to Red Hot Chilli Peppers, you?)

Small Rant About the Weather

Post 10

soeasilyamused, or sea

suffering through two college essays, actually. blech. i'm seriously reconsidering ever leaving high school. i'll be a perpetual senior. life is SO much easier there....

cali is good, it rained today. it was kind of nice, actually. we rarely ever get anything besides sunny and cloudy.

Small Rant About the Weather

Post 11


I always liked my final year and going to Uni was seriously scary smiley - bigeyes
Still, once I was there it was fine.

I have never been to the States, though I did know a couple of people from Cali. and was at a wedding in Dec. and met one of them again.

Always fancied coming over there at some point.
Currently toying with the idea of moving out to Australia, so holidays to the States might be an option. Still it's all a long way off just now. Things to do here first, like try and get another job. If that fails then Oz it is. Now that is seriously scary!

Small Rant About the Weather

Post 12

soeasilyamused, or sea

yep. the prospect of college terrifies me. it's not leaving home that's scary (i can't WAIT to escape my parents) but being in charge of my life... paying bills, buying my own clothes, having a job... terrifying. and what if i don't get into any of the colleges i applied to?

oh dear, i seem to be panicking agin...

the states are nice- i've been to many of them- but i don't know. i'd personally rather go to europe to visit. then again, i guess it's the romantic view of another country... lol. i'd like to live in europe. or new zealand. someday. some day that is far away. *sigh*

Small Rant About the Weather

Post 13


*hold sea tight until she calms down*
It's ok, no need to panic. Honestly. You will be fine.

I'm off to France for my holiday this year. Haven't been in about 12 years. But it should be fun.

I'd like to go to NZ too. One of my uncles is a Kiwi, and my best pal's sister lives there now. I saw her for the first time in 4 years at his wedding (the one in December). She loves it.
Someday isn't as far away as you think. smiley - winkeye Just use it as a goal to keep you going. Think that at the end of Uni, you can go for a nice holiday there, to recharge your batteries before delvinginto the big world of w*rk smiley - winkeye

Small Rant About the Weather

Post 14

soeasilyamused, or sea

*sea whimpers*

[sea] i know... i'll be allright... but sometimes when i think about the future, it's all so uncertain that i start having a giant panic attack. i HATE not knowing where i'm going. that was the whole reason i applied to NYU early decision: so i would know where i was going while all the other seniors were still waiting for their letters. it's mostly the fact that i can't make any plans until i know where i'm going that scares me.

think about it:

NYU- winter clothes, no car
USC- california clothes, car
UCLA- california clothes, car

and considering the fact that those are all fairly difficult to get into, and i'm not a REALLY strong student... ugh. i'm going to bed. i need to get my mind off of that stuff!

Small Rant About the Weather

Post 15


Understandable. I'm rooting for you, anyway smiley - smiley
What time is it there? 9.30pm? It's 5.30am here. Not long to go now, only 2 and a half hours, unless I get away early. I'm very tired today, myself.
Sleep well, and maybe catch you tomorrow?

Small Rant About the Weather

Post 16

soeasilyamused, or sea

orrrrrr.... maybe 5 weeks later. *grin*

thanks for the support, B-17. that's the thing i've missed most about h2g2: everyone is supportive and friendly. have a problem? ask a researcher! even if they can't solve it, they'll lend a shoulder for you to cry (or rant) on!!!

Small Rant About the Weather

Post 17


smiley - smiley
Sorry, had a bit of trouble getting on here. Very intermittent. smiley - sadface
can't seem to get on at home at all.

Support, that's what I do best. I'm always a good ear to speak into or a good shoulder to cry on. I listen, and only reply if I think it will help.

Still, we're here now, and it won't be long until everyone else is back. Can't wait. So how are things with you anyway?

Small Rant About the Weather

Post 18

soeasilyamused, or sea

pretty good, actually. very busy but that's how i like it. i'm working two jobs and stage managing my school's spring musical, so it's a bit crazy every now and then, but i enjoy it. this is probably the worst time of year for h2g2 to come back, because i can't devote the proper hours per day to making sure the Towers know i'm glad it's back... smiley - winkeye

although this month, college letters come again. i guess i have to go back to being the mail nazi again... *sigh*

so how are things for you?

Small Rant About the Weather

Post 19


fed up. smiley - sadface
hate work, hate the fact I can't seem to get on here from home, and hate the fact that my work PC is playing up and might need all the software reloaded.
*note to self to remove all my important stuff, and back up favourites smiley - winkeye*

Don't start worrying yourself all over again. You have the support of us remember smiley - smiley

*wonders if using the word 'nazi' will suddenly get us both into trouble smiley - winkeye*

Small Rant About the Weather

Post 20

soeasilyamused, or sea

hehehe! i hope not!!! i'd hate to have to type "tyrannical ruler of all that carries the mark of the postage stamp" all the time... my poor carpal tunnels!!!

aww, sorry to hear about your computer. that really stinks. i wonder why you can't log on at home... hmm. curious.

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