This is the Message Centre for soeasilyamused, or sea

Concert tickets? You lucky...

Post 1

The Corrupt One

Hey, how's it goin', ranter? Never see you on AIM or ICQ, but what the hey. Don't ask me why I'm posting under Kudos's name; I really have no idea...probably the same thing as whatever NYC used to hypnotize me to join that site.

And I envy you for getting those tickets. What did you do, win them off the radio or something? smiley - devil

Concert tickets? You lucky...

Post 2

soeasilyamused, or sea

i rarely ever get on ICQ anymore, and i had to change my AIM name due to... well, we'll not get into that. but i'll be sure to IM you if i see you online!

no, actually, i didn't win the tickets, i bought them! yes, i'm as surprised as you are. Blink 182, A New Found Glory, and Sum 41.... all in one venue and IT WASN'T SOLD OUT?!?!?! *shocked* good for me, though!

have a look at and see if they're playing near you... you never know! smiley - smiley

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